Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Migraines in my attic

elaborates on migraine - workplace stress - doctor's advice

I have yet to find a proper cure for my migraines. They come out in full force quarterly, and usually sticks around for a couple of days. Worse case scenarios have me downing as much NSAIDs as my stomach can handle (I'm very prone to acid reflux, too) and lying in bed in the dark. Of course, this leaves me with very little sick days to be properly sick. The irony...

Of course, about a year ago, I came down with terrible migraines that wouldn't leave me. My doctor called it a tension migraine. He believed it was work related, and urged me to do something about it, namely quit my job and find a less stressful one. I thought it was jolly nice of him to suggest that, actually. I suppose it gave me a kind of validation.

Since then, I went through even more stress and tension at the workplace, and eventually, resigned. My reasons for resignation wasn't completely due to workplace stress, though, but that's another story I'd leave for the next post. So right now, until I find another bit of stress to give me tension migraines, I'm left with my run of the mill hormonal ones.

I feel pretty awful that I spent the day in bed. I was supposed to attend a student rally of some sort, but I guess I'll read about it in the papers tomorrow. Or on their blog. Or watch the youtube video.

As I said earlier, I've yet to come up with anything to alleviate the pain and discomfort. My usual distractions all require visual cues, such as reading, writing, mucking about on the computer, going out into the sun, cooking etc. I guess vegetating isn't completely a bad thing. It does leave me with a lot of time to think, which is pretty much all one can do while zoned out in bed. Hopefully, I can remember all my ideas, because this attic can get quite messy.

Spring-cleaned: Migraines leave me with a very busy attic indeed.


  1. wei, i heard the best cure for migraine... is being pregnant. *hint* *hint* :P works for wifey! :P Worth trying, maybe?

  2. Ahooo no way! Not planning on having any kids. They'd end up giving me more headaches as they get older! :)
