Monday, December 1, 2008

Food for Thought

I was at a local coffeeshop during open poetry night and this was the piece I didn't perform.

As I sipped my coffee and listened to some artsy speeches about "getting involved" in politics and listening to some pretty but not so inspiring peace songs in German (I don't speak German), I thought to myself, "If we ate our leaders..."

It took some time to come up with these statements and you don't really need to know me for long to realise that they have extra-literal meanings. Think about it a bit.

The rhythm took longer to adjust. I guess to properly read this out loud, you'd have to imagine yourself as an asthmatic tripping on the stairs.

Food for Thought

If only we ate our leaders.
Would our menus then be better?

If only we ate our leaders.
Would our children, our future be healthier?

If only we ate our leaders.
Would that make us strange cannibals
Dining with a pinch of salt?

If only we ate our leaders.
Who would we get to wash up?

If only we ate our leaders.
We would all be vegetarians.

I'm not exactly suggesting that we become cannibals and reserve that special cannibalistic moment for our elders only. What I wonder is, would we care more about the political situation if it were to affect us directly?

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